phone: 07743 001622
email: helenevans.connect@gmail.com
useful links
Bright Sky is a free to download mobile app, launched in partnership with the Vodafone Foundation, providing support and information to those concerned that someone they know is experiencing domestic abuse.
The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) is a non-departmental public body in England set up to promote the welfare of children and families involved in family court.
UK Government information on separation and divorce
IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence
The only charity in the UK dedicated to child contact, by providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don’t live with.
The UK's leading children’s charity, who have been looking out for children for over 130 years
This is a link to the Cafcass Parenting Plan, complete it online or download it.
With features that anticipate your communication needs, OurFamilyWizard is specifically designed to reduce the stress of managing family plans across separate households.
Free resources that help people to agree arrangements or finances and step-by-step resources for those people who cannot avoid going to court over the issues.
Family mediation reduces conflict, and give you the opportunity to negotiate arrangements over children, property and finance.
MATCHmothers is a charity that offers non-judgemental support and information to mothers apart from their children